Headless Google Assistant

Setting up Google Assistant to auto start on boot

  1. Open the service files in the /GassistPi/systemd/ directory and verify your project and model ids and save the file.

  2. Change directory:

    cd /home/${USER}
  3. Make the service installer executable:

    sudo chmod +x ./GassistPi/scripts/service-installer.sh
  4. Run the service installer:

    sudo ./GassistPi/scripts/service-installer.sh
  5. Enable the service:

    sudo systemctl enable gassistpi.service
  6. Start the service:

    sudo systemctl start gassistpi.service

Steps to manually start the assistant

At any point of time, if you wish to manually start the assistant:

  1. Stop the service if it is already running:

    sudo systemctl stop gassistpi.service
  2. Ok-Google Hotword/Pi4/Pi3/Pi2/Armv7 users

    Open a terminal and execute the following:

    /home/${USER}/env/bin/python -u /home/${USER}/GassistPi/src/main.py  --project_id 'replace this with the project id' --device_model_id 'replace this with the model id'
  3. Pushbutton/Pi Zero/Pi B+ and other Non-Armv7 users

    Open a terminal and execute the following:

    /home/${USER}/env/bin/python -u /home/${USER}/GassistPi/src/pushbutton.py --project-id 'replace this with your project id' --device-model-id 'replace this with the model id'

Insert your Project Id and Model Id in quotes in the mentioned places

Disabling assistant’s auto start

At any point of time, if you wish to stop the auto start of the assistant:

Open a terminal and execute the following:

sudo systemctl stop gassistpi.service
sudo systemctl disable gassistpi.service